Create an ETH-Type Account
Both nodes and client users need an ETH-type account to operate. If you already know how to create one and access the keystore file, you can skip this step.
We recommend two ways to create an account:
- Use Privasea Client
- Use Geth
Use Privasea Client
Pull the Docker image for Privasea Client:
$ docker pull privasea/node-client:v0.0.1
Create a directory for the keystore:
$ sudo mkdir -p /keys
Generate an account:
$ docker run -it -v /keys:/app/keys privasea/node-client:v0.0.1 account
You will be prompted to enter the password. Please remember this password for late use.
Now, the account is ready for use. Please remember the keystore file path and account address for later use.
t=2023-12-31T11:39:03+0100 lvl=info msg="generate a new account" address=0xDFE31EBA4a3c77bb0Ac00Acb30385dF692AF759d filename=keystore:///app/keys/UTC--2023-12-31T10-39-03.752357120Z--dfe31eba4a3c77bb0ac00acb30385df692af759d
Use Geth
There are several ways to install Geth, including through the package manager, downloading the pre-built package, running as a docker container, or building from the downloaded source code. Please refer to Geth Installation Guide for more details.
After installation, you need to use Geth to generate an account. Here's an example of how to do it on Ubuntu.
Example on Ubuntu
This section demonstrates how to generate an account using the official Ethereum build package on Ubuntu.
- Download Geth, select the installation packages of various versions applicable to different systems.
- Unzip the downloaded installation package
tar -xvzf geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853.tar.gz
- Enter the unzipped directory
cd geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/
- Use. / get account new -- keystore. / keystore to generate Ethereum account and keystore
./geth account new --keystore ./keystore
- You will be prompted to enter the password and confirm the password. Please remember this password for late use.
- Now, the account is ready. Please remember the keystore file path and account address for later use.